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How Long?

How long does it take?

  • Traditionally, an A Level should take two years. This comprises 350 learning hours, which translates into approximately five hours per week for normal school terms. It is possible to complete the course in one year if you have the time and motivation to spend 10 to 15 hours per week.

  • Don't forget if you were at school, you would have quite a lot of holidays, so without them you can cover the material much more quickly.

  • You will receive a planner to help you organise your time and make sure you keep on track. In our busy lives, it is easy to let things slip and get behind. If you are studying for an A Level in Physics, it is vital to remain organised and so avoid stress. Particularly as the exams get closer!

  • In reality, you study at a pace to suit you and your lifestyle. You can work around your other commitments so that everything fits comfortably into your routine.

  • Sit the exams you feel ready for - one at a time or all at once. It is entirely up to you.

  • You can sit your exams in May, October or January, whenever you are ready.

  • Resit a paper if you feel you did not do yourself justice the first time.

  • And no practical exam.

  • This course gives you the ultimate flexibility to enable you to suit yourself. No other course can do this.

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